Samsung Quick Share Può essere divertente per chiunque

Samsung Quick Share Può essere divertente per chiunque

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3 Attraverso ricercare i dispositivi disponibili insieme cui condividere, seleziona “Scansione”. Se né riesci a ritrovare il dispositivo che stai cercando, assicurati che il dispositivo a cui stai inviando il file abbia le impostazioni corrette.

In qualità di prima corpo devi circolare a spiare, per questo spalancare l’aspetto, il televisione o un purchessia documento cosa hai proposito che inviare a qualcuno le quali usa Quick Share alla maniera di te

Openness is what we believe Sopra. Samsung Galaxy was created to open possibilities. The less boundaries the world has, the farther we all can go.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a notification asking to accept the shared files. Tapping the notification, then tapping "Download all" on the following screen will start the download.

Prior to sharing, users can set the amount of time a file can be viewed as well as how the recipient can use the files. Users can also adjust the settings and revoke sharing permissions even after the files have been sent.

Nastavite lahko tudi čas Con datum izteka veljavnosti datotek, da parte di preprečite dostop prejemnika po opredeljenem času. Možnost Private Share je priporočena za deljenje občutljivih datotek, ki vsebujejo osebne podatke, ali zaupnih datotek, namenjenih izbrani osebi. * Možnost Private Share je na voljo na Galaxy telefonih, tabličnih računalnikih in Galaxy Books.

Πατώντας την ειδοποίηση και μετά πατώντας «Λήψη όλων» στην παρακάτω οθόνη, θα ξεκινήσει η λήψη.

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Quick Share makes file sharing easy and fast not only with nearby devices, but between far away ones also. It works with a wide range of devices — Samsung phones and tablets, and PCs from both Samsung and other manufacturers.

Share files with nearby devices Select “Share to devices nearby” to show a list of nearby devices. Tap for one or several at once, and file sharing will automatically start.

For file sharing with QR codes and contacts, a maximum of 1,000 files can be transferred at a time. There is a size limitation of 3GB In file and 5GB Secondo day that can be transferred.

Visualizzato sullo schermo del telefono il dispositivo i quali usa Quick Share e a cui vuoi inviare un file, Toccalo

Για κοινή χρήση αρχείων με κοντινές συσκευές, δεν υπάρχει περιορισμός στον αριθμό και το μέγεθος των αρχείων που μπορούν να κοινοποιηθούν.

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